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Bard BardE3s Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Simplicity Meditate
    What would you like to invest more time in reflecting on?

    Rory Kuczek's avatar
    Rory Kuczek 4/15/2021 7:53 PM
    One thing I learned today that was important to me is limiting how much I worry about my work/school. In the future, I am going to disconnect from my phone, and focus on my friends and my more immediate tasks.
    Nature Do Nature Activities
    What did you observe while spending time outside -- through sight, sound, smell and/or touch?

    Rory Kuczek's avatar
    Rory Kuczek 4/15/2021 7:51 PM
    I recently just finished a book by David Haskell called "The Songs of Trees." I imagined his words on my hike today. I recommend to anyone needing a break from scientific literacy!
    Simplicity Go For A Daily Walk Outside
    Fresh air and movement are good for our entire being and can help us think more clearly and creatively. How does taking a walk each day affect yourself and/or your work?

    Rory Kuczek's avatar
    Rory Kuczek 4/15/2021 7:49 PM
    Today I walked outside in the pouring rain. I saw some titmice, a blue jay, worms, and wet leaves. I was soaked upon returning, but I needed fresh air away from my senior project work.
    Community Engage In Active Listening
    What was it like to actively listen to someone? How did both people and the conversation(s) benefit from active listening?

    Rory Kuczek's avatar
    Rory Kuczek 4/15/2021 7:46 PM
    Today I talked to one of my close friends from home who has a different political stance than me. I listened to his viewpoints and learned a lot about why he thinks the way he does regarding environmental justice issues. I learned about how his upbringing influenced his beliefs. Overall, this conversation gave me insight, not only about how he views the world, but also how similar as humans we are despite our differences.
    Food Plant an Herb Garden
    Consider the ways you can garden: a plot of land? a patio container? hanging basket? windowsill gardens? What would work best for your living situation and lifestyle?

    Grace Derksen's avatar
    Grace Derksen 4/29/2020 10:21 AM
    We already had an herb garden, but I cleared ours out. We had a few strawberry plants, and some sage and oregano which are perennial. When it gets a little warmer I will add basil and parsley. 
    Food Whole Food Lifestyle
    Michael Pollan states that “it is better to pay the grocer (our edit: or the farmer!) than the doctor.” What are your thoughts on this assertion?

    Grace Derksen's avatar
    Grace Derksen 4/29/2020 10:19 AM
    My family is part of a CSA, so it is easy to have one food item that we center around. This week, I also foraged some ramps, which made a great pesto! 
    Health More Fruits and Veggies
    How does eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat positively affect yourself, other people, and our planet?

    Rory Kuczek's avatar
    Rory Kuczek 4/21/2020 6:28 AM
    I feel healthier and more energetic, but also cooking for my family has also made their lives a bit healthier as they have begun to steer away from meat. Just some fruit with breakfast, and eating cooked vegetable-based meals for lunch and dinner has improved their well-being as well as mine:)
    Transportation Drive Less
    How has your access to various kinds of transportation throughout your life influenced your current attitudes about transportation and your transportation behavior?

    Ella McGrail's avatar
    Ella McGrail 4/17/2020 10:18 AM
    I realized there was no need to drive from the grocery store to the pharmacy when they are right next to each other. It's crazy how something so obvious hadn't occurred to me before. I think that speaks to how car-obsessed life in the suburbs can be.
    Community Connect with a Nonprofit
    What inspires you to act toward a more sustainable community?

    Ella McGrail's avatar
    Ella McGrail 4/17/2020 10:16 AM
    Bottom-up change is the best way to address the Climate Crisis. We need to change the whole world, but the world is made up of communities and the ones who know what's best for each community are the members of that community. I've been volunteering for my local food pantry and food recovery non-profit called Gather which is based in Portsmouth, NH. Gather designs programs hand-tailored to best meet our community's food security and food waste problems. Many of the donations they collect are products from local grocery stores, farms, and other businesses that would've gone bad otherwise. What they can't give away they compost. Working with them has given me the chance to support my community in a sustainable way and get to know lots a amazing new people.

  • Ella McGrail's avatar
    Ella McGrail 4/17/2020 10:05 AM
    I love that the eco-challenge has been pushing me to go outside more. I'm glued to my computer most of the day but when I make time to be outside I sleep better, work better, and feel better. It just goes to show how much we need outside time to function properly.