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Green Cup 2019 Eliot Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Water Mulch the Base of Trees and Plants
    Where are your nearest natural bodies of water? How might they be affected by runoff?

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:56 PM
    I have a bathtub, is that natural?
    Water Collect Rain Water
    Trace the water that flows down the drain from your house to the largest body of water nearby. What is the route it takes?

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:55 PM
    It goes from the drain to the [redacted]
    Water Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
    How can your region/household prepare for changing water situations in order to become more resilient?

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:55 PM
    Nunya business hahahahahah
    Water Insulate Water Pipes and Water Heater
    How do you think climate change will affect your region’s water supply? Think about the effects of weather, storms, salinity, and sea level rise, among other changes. How can you find out more about climate change’s impact to your region's water?

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:54 PM
    Climate change will change our water supply because the Earth will explode and so will all of its water.
    Water Eco-friendly Gardening
    What are the most prominent water concerns in your area? Examples include drought, flooding, pollution, access, security, and privatization.

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:53 PM
    I don't know, I don't live here.
    Water Fix Leaky Faucets
    Fixing leaky faucets is one of the tasks that we can easily put off until later. Good job on completing this action! How will you use the momentum from completing this action to increase your water efficiency in other ways?

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:53 PM
    Honestly, I probably won't.
    Energy Replace Manual Thermostats
    How do you anticipate replacing your thermostats for programmable ones will positively impact your life?

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:52 PM
    I don't want to answer this one.
    Energy Upgrade My Windows
    How does improving your home's energy efficiency help you better live out your values?

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:52 PM
    I value money, and this helps me save money. Yay!
    Energy Choose Clean/Renewable Energy
    How might you be able to get others involved in advocating for the shift to clean energy?

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:49 PM
    money is expensive money is expensive money is expensive
    Energy Online Energy Audit
    What most interested or surprised you about your own energy footprint? What changes did you make or will you make?

    Morgan Hamel's avatar
    Morgan Hamel 2/05/2019 3:48 PM
    Wow, I use energy sometimes, but I shouldn't.