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Seattle Colleges Siegalites's avatar
April 2 - April 30, 2021

Seattle Colleges Siegalites

Seattle Colleges


  • 0 TODAY
  • 527

team impact

  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
    food waste prevented
  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • April 29 at 9:40 AM
    In Louisiana where I live, we get our water from the Mississipi River. Since we are at the bottom of the river and are downriver from Cancer Alley- a community along the border of the Mississippi River that is experiencing high numbers of cancer and death rates due to their proximity to several industries which pollute the air, water, and soil-...
  • April 29 at 9:35 AM
    Exercise with a buddy! My husband and I live near a park with a small area of exercise equipment. We had a great time going and working out together and encouraging each other to expand our workout. For me, exercising with a partner is not only more enjoyable it also leaves room for accountability, which is sometimes the only way I will get up...
  • April 29 at 9:24 AM
    The big thing that comes to mind is plastic pollution! Did you know only about 9% of plastic gets recycled? This allows for it to end up in our oceans and drinking water reservoirs, compromising not only the marine ecosystems which live there but also the water that we drink due to microplastics (small pieces of plastic-a grain of rice or...
  • April 29 at 9:16 AM
    For me, social media is just a distraction, which can be both positive and negative. Reducing my time on social media has allowed me to spend my time being more active. Recently I bought sunflower seeds and have begun the process of getting them started in order to be planted somewhere permanently. I'm really hoping my "wanna be"...
  • April 29 at 9:10 AM
    Lately, I have been taking 30 minutes out of each day to sit outside on my deck and read. I just finished "Becoming" by Michelle Obama and am currently reading a memoir of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 
  • April 13 at 11:09 AM
    Actively practicing gratitude helps me focus on myself and the things around me that are important. We can't always tell what our friends and peers are going through and sometimes a simple compliment or act of kindness can brighten up more than we know. 
  • April 13 at 10:08 AM
    Unplug electronics that are not in use. Open doors and windows to circulate air during the day to reduce dependence on air conditioning. Use sunlight instead of artificial light. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies to reduce use of stove and oven cooking. 
  • April 13 at 10:06 AM
    I always turn off lights in rooms which aren't being used. I prefer natural light and often keep my blinds open to bring in the Vitamin D.  When electronic items are not in use, always unplug them. They still use energy when they are plugged in so simply unplugging them when you're not using them will reduce your energy consumption- microwaves,...
  • April 13 at 10:02 AM
    I joined this team to support my great friend, Anna Baldwin, and be more active about my individual impacts. Small changes in our daily lives can translate to our social groups and greatly decrease negative impacts on our environments. My passion is to reduce waste; bring a bottle to re-fill, carry to-go containers when you eat out for...
  • April 13 at 9:57 AM
    I plan on expanding my individual efforts to live a more sustainable lifestyle. I would like to get an outdoor drying rack to reduce my dependence on the dryer and use natural sources to dry my clothes.

14 Team Members

Recently active team members


CHALLENGER: Seattle Colleges Siegalites Challenger Team Members: 14 Challenger Points: 527 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: North Seattle Pacific Tree Frogs Challenged Team Members: 12 Challenged Points: 1228 Winning?:  
CHALLENGER: Seattle Colleges Siegalites Challenger Team Members: 14 Challenger Points: 527 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: South Seattle Otters Challenged Team Members: 4 Challenged Points: 201 Winning?:  
CHALLENGER: Seattle Colleges Siegalites Challenger Team Members: 14 Challenger Points: 527 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: Seattle Central Tigers Challenged Team Members: 21 Challenged Points: 999 Winning?: