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Paige Baniewicz's avatar

Paige Baniewicz

Gang Green of AZ

"My mission is to save the environment little by little as well as creating a healthier and more efficient life style for myself as well."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 246 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill

Paige's actions


Choose LED Bulbs

I will replace 10 incandescent lightbulb(s) with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.



Explore My Area

I will explore at least one new hiking trail or nature walk in my area.



Exercise Daily

Exercise is a great stress blaster! I will exercise for 60 minute(s) each day.



Skip the Straw

Plastic bags and small plastic pieces like straws are most likely to get swept into our waterways. I will keep 4 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill and ocean each day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.



Go Paperless

I will reduce the amount of paper mail that I receive by 0.11lbs (0.05kg) a day or 3.3lbs (1.6kg) a month by opting into paperless billing, ending unwanted subscriptions and opting out of junk mail.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Paige Baniewicz's avatar
    Paige Baniewicz 4/03/2019 3:11 PM
    Using plastic straws has always been something that I have wanted to stop doing but seemed like I never would be able to stop it. I am a huge coffee drinker so I always go to Starbucks or Dutch Bros places that always use plastic straws. Although I have purchased many of the reusable cups and straws from both of these places, I always for get to bring them with me when I go to get coffee since I am either rushing out the door or I just forget about them. I have always just made it okay in my mind to use plastic straws since they are used everywhere. When I watched a video about a turtle with a straw stuck in its nose is when I knew I needed to stop using them and yet never did. This challenge has definitely been very challenging but has pushed me to stop using plastic straws and to make a difference, I now keep a reusable cup and straw in my car so that I don't ever forget it again. 

  • Paige Baniewicz's avatar
    Paige Baniewicz 4/03/2019 1:57 PM
    For this on time challenge I replaced 10 Incandescent lightbulbs with Energy Star- certified LED bulbs which will save me up to $14 per fixture per year. I had never though about the impact the lightbulbs I had in my house could effect the environment. I  think it is crazy that just by changing the lightbulbs in my house I can make a difference to make the environment better. These lightbulbs in my opinion provide much better lighting than the lightbulbs I previously had. By doing these challenges I have been able to see that by even doing the little things can make a big difference and better the environment, along with bettering myself and the way I live.  From now on I will think and do my research on products to learn what positive and negative effects they will have on the environment in which we live before I purchase them. 

  • Paige Baniewicz's avatar
    Paige Baniewicz 4/02/2019 11:13 AM
    For this challenge I went on a hike at the mountain that is right next to my house.I have been wanting to hike that mountain since I was little but have always gone to other mountains with friends or family instead of the one next to my house. After hiking this mountain I don't think I will ever want to hike any other mountain. This mountain has so many different trails that lead to many different smaller mountains that are connected to it, I also loved the fact that when I got to the top of the mountain I was able to see my house and all the beauty I had no idea  surrounded my house. I am so grateful I picked this challenge because now I appreciate all the nature that surrounds the place in which I live, I also hike this mountain almost everyday now and have brought most of my friends with me so that they can explore this beautiful mountain as well. 

  • Paige Baniewicz's avatar
    Paige Baniewicz 3/21/2019 2:18 PM
    Today I went completely paperless by downloading apps for my bank card, credit card, and medical bills that send mail weekly to my house about my accounts. This has been something I have wanted to do for a while but have never taken the action to do it. In doing this challenge I find it to be easier and very assessable for me to always be up to date with my accounts and bills.