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Nolan Burnside's avatar

Nolan Burnside

Remsburg La Crosse Spring 2021


  • 0 TODAY
  • 10 TOTAL

Nolan's actions


Do Nature Activities

I will engage in nature-based activities alone, or with my friends or family, for 60 minute(s) each day. (This can be anything from going on a walk or hike, to noticing the leaves changing color, to reading a book with nature themes.)


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Nolan Burnside's avatar
    Nolan Burnside 4/23/2021 11:56 AM
    My ecochallenge is going very well so far, I have hiked every other day since starting this challenge and I have really enjoyed exploring the trails in Hixon Forest. I have never really gotten out to the trails until now and it has been really relaxing and nice to hike them. I also have picked up all of the trash I have seen along the trails, which hasn't really been that much which I am impressed with, but I do my part when I see something. I think hiking will become a very regular activity for me in the future.

    • Teddy Oprzedek's avatar
      Teddy Oprzedek 4/27/2021 8:09 AM
      Hi Nolan, I like that you pointed out that you were picking up trash as you hiked. If we all did this, I am sure that the parks would all be much cleaner.

    • Zi Hou Kok's avatar
      Zi Hou Kok 4/26/2021 7:38 PM
      Hey Nolan, I got to agree that the trails in Hixon Forest is a nice place for a walk. I saw some trash along the trails as well, but those I saw are off trail sadly, and it will be a risky move for me to go pick it up. 
      Walking through the trails helped me to relieve stress and stay calm as well. I've had only walked through the Vista trail up to the peak with several friends though, but I think I might try out some other paths sometime soon.

    • Aleece Hogenson's avatar
      Aleece Hogenson 4/26/2021 6:19 PM
      I used to hike very often in high school and I found it very relaxing as well! After reading your post, I am thinking about exploring the bluffs here in La Crosse as well.