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MaryCris Marcos's avatar

MaryCris Marcos

Eco Organic


  • 0 TODAY
  • 376 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    being mindful
  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen
  • UP TO

MaryCris's actions



I will write down three things every day that I am grateful for, or send one email every day thanking or praising someone.



Buy Used Clothes

I will spend 10 minutes learning about the perils of fast fashion and will buy my clothes at second-hand stores when I shop.



Limit Social Media

I will limit my social media use to once each day reducing my daily use by 1 minute(s)



Needs Vs. Wants

I will adopt a "Needs Vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.




I will meditate or create a moment of silence for 5 minute(s) each day to reflect on things important to me.



5-Minute Showers

I will save up to 20 gallons (75 L) of water each day by taking 5-minute showers.



Brush My Teeth Without Running Water

I will save up to 8 gallons (30 L) of water each day by turning it off while brushing my teeth.



Help Others

I will offer to help 1 person(s) who are in need each day.



Reduce refined sugar

I will keep track and reduce my consumption of refined sugars, including sweetened beverages, candy, and processed foods.



Exercise Daily

Exercise is a great stress blaster! I will exercise for 15 minute(s) each day.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Simplicity Limit Social Media
    Social media can keep us connected with loved ones, make us laugh, and help us to learn new things. It can also create echo chambers and take more time than we realize or intend to give. After completing this action for a few days, how do you feel? What do you notice?

    MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 11/30/2020 3:24 AM
    I'm also on my phone, everytime I wake up till the minute I go sleep it is such a hard habit for me to break it is so addicting. But as I scroll on my socials looking at other people lives/ pictures is kind of depressing at times because I find myself just comparing myself to other women and it just frustrates me. So while I took a break from social media it has allowed me to open up to myself, take a moment to learn and reevaluate the many amazing traits I have and the many amazing things I have done in life. Taking a step back from social media has allowed me to recoop myself and truly find my purpose in life, 

  • MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 11/27/2020 1:08 AM
    Today is Thanksgiving and as you all know it is a time we all get together with our families and friend and have dinner together and talked about all the amazing things we are grateful for this year. But since covid is still around we can't have a big large gathering with our families and friends anymore so we have to keep everything to a minimum. This year was different, I and my family don't really do much but not being able to invite our cousins over is so sad. Nonetheless, we were still able to cook up in the kitchen, we have a variety of restaurant food, home-cooked meals, neighbors giving us food to share, and even our family despite the heck teck drive we did all day it was still an amazing thanksgiving. Adding on, I did watch what I eat including all the sugar added into all the foods I ate today and all the yummy desserts were still able to include working out with such a busy busy day. 

  • MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 11/25/2020 10:08 AM
    One of my ecochallenge goals was to help at least one person every day, so far sometimes it feels like a struggle to help someone who's in need or may be going through something so just being there for someone would really appreciate it. Yesterday, I was helping a girl directing her to my house because she was going to pick up something and her GPS didn't reach my correct house so instead of being frustrated I was calm and sent her a picture of my apartment and then told her the way there. 

  • MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 11/23/2020 7:35 PM
    My ecochallenge is going good not so much good because I wasn't as active throughout the challenge because of difficulties trying to access the site and not knowing "how to check in" or "complete task" but now that I have finally understood how to do them I will continue to try my best and complete my ecochallenge this whole week. I will make it an effort to do them and not slack off as I have 1 more week to complete the challenge before it's done. 
    Water Brush My Teeth Without Running Water
    What is the main water source in your region? If you don't know, how could you find out?

    MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 11/23/2020 7:23 PM
    This morning when I was brushing my teeth I remembered to turn off the faucet and not let the water running the whole time I was brushing my teeth. As I'm going through the sustainability challenge it has to open me to learning simple things like turn off the water when you not using it or don't let the water be dripping and so forth. It such a simple task that sometimes we forget as humans and we don't even realize it until we see the electric bills our parents are paying. Small changes add up in time. 
    Water 5-Minute Showers
    Name some of the human activities impacting the health of water systems, both locally (your watershed) and globally (freshwater and oceans). What can you do to improve the health of water systems?

    MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 11/23/2020 7:20 PM
    Over the years of the time I've been living here on Earth, I really take my time in the shower whether it's doing my whole shower routine or half body shower I just take my sweet time doing everything. Before I used to just let the water running while I'm washing my hair with shampoo and then it's running again while I'm rinsing my hair and so forth basically the water is on the entire time I'm showering my hair I never did turn it off. But until recently every time I hop on the shower I remind myself to turn off the water when I'm not using it because it builds up over time and the electric bill will go higher and higher. It now takes me 10 minutes to wash my hair and do my routine and for my half body shower, it takes me a total of 5 minutes. I know these minutes are still long and I should make it lesser but taking it one step at a time. 

  • MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 11/09/2020 5:56 PM
    So far my eco-challenge has been quite difficult. It has been a week since I last checked in and did my actions, I was having trouble figuring out how to check it and then I got carried away with the lack of homework I needed to cater to because I was procrastinating too much and put it off to the last minute. But here I am today, trying to get back on track with doing the eco-challenge in hopes I'm bettering myself and my community. 
    Community Help Others
    In your opinion, how do social inequalities diminish a strong sense of community?

    MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 11/09/2020 5:51 PM
    Living in the situations we lived in today, there are many restrictions that we no longer can do because of covid-19. It has lessened our hangouts with friends, have us coop in our own household to be with our families and not having enough social interaction with the world, not being able to help properly because doing it through online interaction is different and the vibes are off. But as I go through this crisis with the world I'm learning that these are the simplest things we used to take for a granted way before the pandemic hit. Being in quarantine has brought so much perspective in my life, that I reflect daily through the actions I've created and done. 
    Health Exercise Daily
    How can you incorporate other personal values (like quality time with friends or spending time in nature) into your exercise routine?

    MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 10/27/2020 3:28 AM
    How I can incorporate personal values to my exercise routine, is by starting the day with a fresh mindset having a positive tone to set the mood for the rest of the day. I believe if you wake up with a purpose and to having the mentality of it's going to be a good day then it will is but if you have the mentality of being negative it will show through your actions and the way you progress throughout the day. Adding on, we can incorporate the exercise before we have our breakfast because it gives our body the time to adjust and wake up and it gets your heart moving. Also, we don't to do crazy workouts we can do something small 15-25 minutes just to get the heart moving. 
    Health Happiness
    How does/can practicing gratitude keep you centered and motivated to work for a better world?

    MaryCris Marcos's avatar
    MaryCris Marcos 10/27/2020 3:22 AM
    Practicing gratitude is a life long skill everyone should do, it's nothing hard it's the fact we lack how much we take advantage of the little things. Before covid-19 hit I wasn't really living in the moment, I enjoyed my weekends, breaks and off from school, and just overall not doing homework and being able to take off from student teaching and etc. Then when covid hit, I realize the little things I took for granted were right in my eyes. I took for granted time with my students who I didn't get to say bye to, I didn't have a proper thank you goodbye to them, nor did I have the proper time to say thank you to the teachers and staff that impacted my life. There are so many things I took for granted and once the pandemic hit I was blown away, I never knew how much I would miss my friends, family, my students, teacher, and staff not being able to attend church for a while. By waking up every day to be able to live another day is such a blessing in disguise, not everyone has that chance due to the fact it was taken away from them for whatever the reason may be. But here we are still complaining about the little things, we should be grateful that we get to see our family and friends. During this challenge, I will write down three things I'm grateful for each day and I will make them meaningful so I can take a look at them in the future.