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BUS 4075 FA20 Serious about Sustainability Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Samuel Brasesco's avatar
    Samuel Brasesco 11/19/2020 8:03 PM
    Lets change the world together!

  • Scott Benson's avatar
    Scott Benson 11/19/2020 3:44 PM
    It's been going really well. Today I avoided 3 straws and bought a new Brita water filtration system instead of buying a set of plastic water bottles.

  • Scott Benson's avatar
    Scott Benson 11/19/2020 3:21 PM
    Coming to the end of the Ecochallenge, I feel like I've been a lot more motivated to follow these daily tasks. Whether it's spending more time outside, avoiding straws, or any of the tasks, it serves a greater purpose beyond just getting the task done for class. 
    Food Zero-Waste Cooking
    In North America, up to 65% of food waste happens at the consumer level. Chef Steven Satterfield advocates for using every part of a vegetable. How can you incorporate using an entire vegetable (including the skins, tops, stalks, etc.) during your next meal prep?

    Kendall Martens's avatar
    Kendall Martens 11/18/2020 8:08 AM
    Wow, this would be a big challenge. Honestly I am not sure. You can cook the food in the skins etc. I researched a bit and found that corn cobs you can use to make broth, make sauces with vegetable tops, etc.  
    Simplicity Eat Mindfully
    Mindful eating is healthier for us than eating with distractions. How do your eating experiences differ when practicing mindfulness?

    Kendall Martens's avatar
    Kendall Martens 11/18/2020 8:02 AM
    Phones and tv etc. are so distracting and social media can even make you compare your life with others. By eating without distractions, it sets aside time each day off of your phone and without these distractions. I am able to rather connect with the people around me and think clearly. 
    Health Exercise Daily
    How can you incorporate other personal values (like quality time with friends or spending time in nature) into your exercise routine?

    Kendall Martens's avatar
    Kendall Martens 11/18/2020 7:59 AM
    I like to exercise with friends. One way that I do this is by surfing. This includes time shared with friends, and is also time spent in nature. 
    Health Happiness
    How does/can practicing gratitude keep you centered and motivated to work for a better world?

    Kendall Martens's avatar
    Kendall Martens 11/18/2020 7:58 AM
    It reminds me about what is good around me, rather than what is bad. It makes me excited for the future and for a better world rather than focusing on what is hard. 
    Energy Heat and Cool Naturally
    What are other ways you could use the power of the sun to reduce your own environmental footprint?

    Kendall Martens's avatar
    Kendall Martens 11/17/2020 9:28 AM
    I think about countries in Europe and such who don't have as many clothing dryers but rather hang their clothes outside their windows and let the sun dry them. This would help reduce my own environmental footprint but I would need to do so with a whole load of laundry rather than still using a dryer for some items. 
    Transportation Car Share
    Take a moment to think of places you frequent often (school, work, grocery store, natural areas). Could you choose one or two days a week to schedule driving with a friend, neighbor or co-worker to these places?

    Kendall Martens's avatar
    Kendall Martens 11/06/2020 10:57 AM
    Yes I could! I will be living off campus next semester with friends and I definitely could see us carpooling to school sometimes. We already go to the grocery store together and we have even talked about biking to the grocery store instead next semester. 
    Nature Leave No Trace
    Educator Stephanie Kaza advises her students to focus on what they care about most when addressing the enormity of ecological problems. Is there a specific area you feel particularly called to work on?

    Kendall Martens's avatar
    Kendall Martens 11/06/2020 10:56 AM
    I think just day to day actions make a big impact. If everyone alters little things in their life it could make a big change. So, I am most called to work on informing my friends and family on what I have been learning, as well as reminding them of simple little things they can do to help like turning off lights that are unnecessary or not wasting food.