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Da Treehouse Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Energy Turn it off
    How is electricity generated where you live? How does it impact the environment, animals, and humans?

    Ricky  Salinas's avatar
    Ricky Salinas 11/26/2021 6:25 PM
    I found out the "state relies heavily on imports of petroleum and coal for power. Renewable energy production is increasing. ... As of 2016, 26.6% of electricity was from renewable sources, including solar, wind, hydro and geothermal" Funny enough it is the renewable sources that have caused a bigger stir than the use of petroleum or coal. Due to the solar/wind farms being an eyesore to the local people along with the effects they have on the wildlife. Such as being taking away natural habits.      

  • Ricky  Salinas's avatar
    Ricky Salinas 11/26/2021 5:10 PM
    I will try to continue the eco-challenge on my own when done with this course.  

  • Ricky  Salinas's avatar
    Ricky Salinas 11/26/2021 5:01 PM
    It was fun; the team did outstanding. I want to thank them all along with friends that help. 
    Action Track: Building Resilience Eco-friendly Gardening
    What are the most prominent water concerns in your area? Examples include drought, flooding, pollution, access, security, and privatization.

    Ricky  Salinas's avatar
    Ricky Salinas 11/26/2021 4:59 PM
    On the island, I would say water waste along with flooding is some big concerns.  
    Water 5-Minute Showers
    Name some of the human activities impacting the health of water systems, both locally (your watershed) and globally (freshwater and oceans). What can you do to improve the health of water systems?

    Ricky  Salinas's avatar
    Ricky Salinas 11/26/2021 4:57 PM
    Careless dumping of waste into streams, damming or rerouting streams so their yards do not flood. 

  • Ricky  Salinas's avatar
    Ricky Salinas 11/26/2021 4:55 PM
    I shut down everything in my office space and even have gone so far as to unplug and get rid of some energy-sucking items. 

  • Jackie Salinas's avatar
    Jackie Salinas 11/26/2021 2:21 PM
    I have enjoyed being part of this ecochallenge. It has increased my awareness of my actions towards the environment. 
    Transportation Conduct Virtual Meetings
    How can you ensure that your virtual meetings honor your values and your company's culture?

    Jackie Salinas's avatar
    Jackie Salinas 11/26/2021 2:19 PM
    By keeping my values in mind when I’m attending a virtual meeting. 
    Health Happiness
    How does/can practicing gratitude keep you centered and motivated to work for a better world?

    Jackie Salinas's avatar
    Jackie Salinas 11/26/2021 2:17 PM
    Practicing gratitude keeps me centered and motivated to work for a better world by keeping me connected more. 
    Health Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation
    How can practicing Loving-Kindness Meditation be helpful to the health of the environment?

    Jackie Salinas's avatar
    Jackie Salinas 11/26/2021 2:15 PM
    Loving-kindness meditation grounds you and helps you feel more connected. This connectedness then leads you to are more about the environment.