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Green Beans Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Health Take Control
    How do environmental health, community health, and your personal health intersect?

    Faith Villanueva's avatar
    Faith Villanueva 11/26/2021 12:45 PM
    If the environment isn’t clean that means the air that I need to survive is tinted and can cause health problems for me community health affects me because it’s where I live and you want to be in a place that keeps your health in good shape
    Health Learn More about Food Apartheid
    What can lack of access to nutritious food affect a community? How can having access to nutritious food help a community become more resilient?

    Faith Villanueva's avatar
    Faith Villanueva 11/26/2021 12:44 PM
    Having the community have a more nutritious food affect us making sure everyone knows about the negitive affects of non nutritious foods after I learned a lot about what I was putting in my body I change my diet 
    Health Know My health
    How do you deal with the physical and emotional stress of the big problems we face? How can you help others cope?

    Faith Villanueva's avatar
    Faith Villanueva 11/26/2021 12:43 PM
    I would suggest doing something you love to let you escape reality sometimes when your feeling stressed life is suppose to be enjoyable we only have one.
    Health Go get a check up
    How do you practice self care?

    Faith Villanueva's avatar
    Faith Villanueva 11/26/2021 12:42 PM
    I give my self at least a few hours with hanging out with friends oh just taking a break from school work 
    Transportation Improve a Bus Stop
    In what ways can you advocate for transportation systems which minimize environmental impact while also meeting human needs?

    Faith Villanueva's avatar
    Faith Villanueva 11/26/2021 12:39 PM
    you can catch the public bus meeting new friends there and save on avoiding fossil fuels or using less of it because you are using a shared vehicle 

  • Faith Villanueva's avatar
    Faith Villanueva 11/26/2021 12:36 PM
    Eco challenge is going great it taught me so much within only a few months 

  • Faith Villanueva's avatar
    Faith Villanueva 11/26/2021 12:36 PM
    Eco challenge has been great it’s taught me so much within only a few months 
    Energy Learn About Renewable Energy
    What inspires you to act on sustainable energy and other energy issues?

    Faith Villanueva's avatar
    Faith Villanueva 11/18/2021 3:19 PM
    Saving the world and making sure the future generations have somewhat of a nice planet as I did 

  • Angel Jardine-Mayotte's avatar
    Angel Jardine-Mayotte 11/18/2021 3:17 PM
    My ecochallenge is going good. I am doing new sustainable activities like reusing straws and bags.
    Waste Use a Reusable Mug
    Maybe you've heard how good it is to switch from a single use coffee cup to a reusable one, but it's just hard to make the switch. What stands in your way of making this a habit? By identifying the challenges, you can begin to work through them to have better success in taking this action. Knowing the difference you are making, how does it make you feel?

    Faith Villanueva's avatar
    Faith Villanueva 11/16/2021 2:39 PM
    I use my reusable cup because I don’t want to waste cups and also it’s a cute cup which makes me want to keep using it