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Alma Maravilla's avatar

Alma Maravilla

Human Ecology SBVC

"I promise to make a difference!"


  • 0 TODAY
  • 601 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved

Alma's actions


Use a Reusable Water Bottle

I will keep 4 disposable plastic bottle(s) from entering the waste stream by using a reusable water bottle.



Skip the Straw

Plastic bags and small plastic pieces like straws are most likely to get swept into our waterways. I will keep 4 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill and ocean each day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.



Turn it off

I will keep lights, electronics, and appliances turned off when not using them.



Switch to Cold Water

I will switch to washing my clothes in cold water, saving up to 133 lbs of CO2 a month and 1,600 lbs of CO2 over the course of the next year.



Adjust the Thermostat

I will adjust my thermostat down 2 degrees from usual when I use the heat, and up 2 degrees when I use air conditioning.



Choose LED Bulbs

I will replace 10 incandescent lightbulb(s) with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Energy Choose LED Bulbs
    Switching out your lightbulbs is an excellent first step toward energy efficiency! In what other ways can you exercise your civic duty to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions?

    Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/28/2020 6:44 PM
    Other ways to reduce carbon emissions is to turn down my water heater and turn off my appliances when I'm not using and choosing energy-efficient appliances if you need to purchase.

  • Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/17/2020 3:02 PM
    This week has been difficult to accomplish due to illness, but rather than not do anything I asked my family to continue doing these simple daily tasks I gave myself to accomplish and continue my challenge. Hope everyone is well, stay safe.

    • Ana Dutciuc's avatar
      Ana Dutciuc 11/23/2020 10:17 PM
      You as well stay strong !

    • Johnna Richie's avatar
      Johnna Richie 11/18/2020 12:09 AM
      I hope you feel better! 

    • Josiel Perez's avatar
      Josiel Perez 11/17/2020 3:57 PM
      Nothing ever comes easy. The important part is the effort you exert. As long as you put in effort, you show you care. So, take it easy! Stay safe!
    Energy Turn it off
    How is electricity generated where you live? How does it impact the environment, animals, and humans?

    Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/16/2020 2:07 PM
    I'm not exactly sure how electricity is generated in my neighborhood other than the towers I see often. Still, it affects the environment, animals, and people because it releases carbon dioxide and other gases that go into the atmosphere. The increase in greenhouse gases has been causing global warming and affecting the whole ecosystem. 
    Energy Switch to Cold Water
    What do you plan to do with the money you save from making more energy efficient choices?

    Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/16/2020 2:01 PM
    With the money I'm saving, I plan on setting it aside into a savings account. It's not a lot but eventually adds up.

    • Parker Taylor's avatar
      Parker Taylor 11/29/2020 10:11 PM
      Hi Alma! Its such easy switch to save the planet and see your savings account rack up. Keep up the good work!

    Waste Skip the Straw
    How could you incorporate other "R's" -- reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, repurpose, etc. -- into your lifestyle?

    Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/16/2020 1:59 PM
    At the moment, we're unable to use reusable grocery bags, but that is one way to incorporate the R's into your lifestyle. Another good way is using reuseable containers to put leftovers away to avoid using plastic wrap.

  • Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/13/2020 8:52 PM
    I've been doing my daily challenges, but sometimes it's hard to remember and update my page. It's been hard to try and not turn up the heater, especially on cold nights, but I throw on a few more blankets, and I'm good. I hope you're all doing great and accomplishing some of your eco-challenge goals. Stay safe

    • Ana Dutciuc's avatar
      Ana Dutciuc 11/23/2020 10:17 PM
      And honestly I feel like it’s better to cover up more than turn on your heater. Do you like sleeping when it’s cold ? I love being warm and sleep in a cold room 

    • Alma Maravilla's avatar
      Alma Maravilla 11/16/2020 3:03 PM
      Neesaha Kamble, I have a small doggie that stays indoors. He's nice and toasty.

    • Johnna Richie's avatar
      Johnna Richie 11/15/2020 1:45 PM
      I think you are doing a great job! The first step is just showing up!

    • Neesha Kamble's avatar
      Neesha Kamble 11/14/2020 5:18 PM
      That's great to hear! Do you have any pets and fear that they're cold during the night?

  • Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/09/2020 10:54 AM
    The challenge has been great so far, I've been keeping the heater off, and it helps that it hasn't been as cold.

    • Ana Dutciuc's avatar
      Ana Dutciuc 11/23/2020 10:16 PM
      Good ! You save more! 

    • Neesha Kamble's avatar
      Neesha Kamble 11/09/2020 4:57 PM
      That's good to hear!

    • Johnna Richie's avatar
      Johnna Richie 11/09/2020 1:29 PM
      That is awesome! I have not needed to run my air or my heater much so it helps with conserving and with the cost also! I find too that if I do my laundry on colder nights it warms the house a little. 
    Energy Adjust the Thermostat
    Your utility company is able to tell you your average energy usage. Ask them how your energy usage compares to others in your ZIP code, region, and/or state. What other steps can you take each day to reduce your electricity usage?

    Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/08/2020 1:53 PM
    My energy usage has been great for the past three months. The best part about this is a cheaper electrical bill.

    • Amanda Barba's avatar
      Amanda Barba 11/29/2020 9:54 PM
      That is so awesome Alma! I find that this has been hard for me to do as  I live in a very full house, but I hope you continue to keep doing what you can! 

    • Ana Dutciuc's avatar
      Ana Dutciuc 11/08/2020 10:31 PM
      All about the savings

  • Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/07/2020 3:46 PM
    Hi there, so I found a solution to washing my whites. I usually wash my whites in hot water because that makes them whiter, or so I think. My solution is to boil water and add to a bucket and my clothes and detergent for soaking and then putting it to wash. 

  • Alma Maravilla's avatar
    Alma Maravilla 11/05/2020 11:45 AM
    So far it's going well, I'm just adjusting with washing with cold water.

    • Johnna Richie's avatar
      Johnna Richie 11/06/2020 11:54 PM
      Washing with cold water also helps to reduce shrinking in clothes! Good job!

    • Ana Dutciuc's avatar
      Ana Dutciuc 11/06/2020 9:56 PM
      It is hard at first but you got this and DO NOT give up! you can do this.