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Remsburg La Crosse Spring 2021 Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Nature Spend Time Outside
    Rachel Carson said that we need the beauty and mysteries of the natural world for our spiritual and emotional development. Does that ring true for you? What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time indoors?

    Trevar Helland's avatar
    Trevar Helland 4/28/2021 4:33 PM
    This statement rings true for me, there are many reasons other than spiritual and emotional development for the natural world; for example,  exercise. The major implications of a culture that spends to much time inside is obesity from a sedentary lifestyle and a lost appreciation from a generation of the beauty and necessity of the natural world. 

  • Zi Hou Kok's avatar
    Zi Hou Kok 4/26/2021 5:11 AM
    I tried my best to shower as quick as possible this morning so that I am not using too much water. I managed to achieve this feat and I fell satisfied.

    • Trevar Helland's avatar
      Trevar Helland 4/28/2021 4:36 PM
      I also try to always take quick showers in order to save water, in addition to this it also saves you time that you can use to be productive in other areas as well. 

    • Quin Smith's avatar
      Quin Smith 4/26/2021 4:06 PM
      Hey Zi, I also took a shorter shower because I feel like I tend to take some really long showers and that wastes a lot of water. So, I'm going to try and take shorter showers ,so not as much water is being used.

  • Nolan Burnside's avatar
    Nolan Burnside 4/23/2021 11:56 AM
    My ecochallenge is going very well so far, I have hiked every other day since starting this challenge and I have really enjoyed exploring the trails in Hixon Forest. I have never really gotten out to the trails until now and it has been really relaxing and nice to hike them. I also have picked up all of the trash I have seen along the trails, which hasn't really been that much which I am impressed with, but I do my part when I see something. I think hiking will become a very regular activity for me in the future.

    • Aleece Hogenson's avatar
      Aleece Hogenson 4/26/2021 6:19 PM
      I used to hike very often in high school and I found it very relaxing as well! After reading your post, I am thinking about exploring the bluffs here in La Crosse as well.

    • Teddy Oprzedek's avatar
      Teddy Oprzedek 4/27/2021 8:09 AM
      Hi Nolan, I like that you pointed out that you were picking up trash as you hiked. If we all did this, I am sure that the parks would all be much cleaner.

    • Zi Hou Kok's avatar
      Zi Hou Kok 4/26/2021 7:38 PM
      Hey Nolan, I got to agree that the trails in Hixon Forest is a nice place for a walk. I saw some trash along the trails as well, but those I saw are off trail sadly, and it will be a risky move for me to go pick it up. 
      Walking through the trails helped me to relieve stress and stay calm as well. I've had only walked through the Vista trail up to the peak with several friends though, but I think I might try out some other paths sometime soon.

  • Stephanie Danek's avatar
    Stephanie Danek 4/22/2021 9:32 PM
    I will admit that I always take long showers. I feel like showering is a time to relax and separate from what is going on in your life. Taking long showers may feel nice but the issue is that I am wasting thousands of gallons of water. So for my ecochallenge I have made it a point to take short showers. I have cut out aspects such as listening to music when I shower because I feel like it lengthens the process for me. This has helped incredibly. I am no longer distracted and have taken shorter showers while still being clean. I am also saving gallons of fresh clean water by doing this. All of that water I have been wasting could have been put towards something better than just going down the drain.

    • Kayla Gerber's avatar
      Kayla Gerber 4/26/2021 7:05 PM
      Hi Stephanie! Shortening showers can be really challenging. I think your advise about not listening to music while in the shower is a great tip. I think more people need to be paying attention to the length of their showers.

    • Kalli Olson's avatar
      Kalli Olson 4/26/2021 7:36 PM
      Hey Stephanie! I also find myself taking long showers at times because like you said it's taking a break from the stress in your life. I have also noticed that I take longer showers when I listen to music so that was a good idea for you to get rid of. I also take faster showers when the water is colder!
    Nature Go for a Daily Walk
    How do you experience your neighborhood or city differently when walking instead of driving?

    Jim Thielke's avatar
    Jim Thielke 4/22/2021 5:46 PM
    I see a lot more trash and waste along the side of the streets. I do feel more better since I have time to think while I'm walking. I am more appreciative of the distance between places. Like the marsh between where I work and where I live.

  • Kayla Gerber's avatar
    Kayla Gerber 4/22/2021 5:16 PM
    My ecochellenges are going well! Both the challenges I am doing are from the Simplicity group. I sometimes feel like I need to be doing as much as I can all the time, so it is nice to reduce my screen time and eat mindfully. It has allowed for a little more peace in my day which ultimately leads to a more productive day. 

    • Nolan Burnside's avatar
      Nolan Burnside 4/25/2021 9:29 PM
      Hi Kayla, I have been hiking and like you said more peace leads me to have a more productive day. Not just by being active, but after hiking I often have found that I come back with more desire to be productive with my school work and other things as well.

    • Abigail Headington's avatar
      Abigail Headington 4/26/2021 3:41 PM
      Hey Kayla, I think it's great that you are being mindful about how much time you spend with electronics and going out of your way to ensure that you can reduce that time. It so great to see how much your day can better just from spending a little bit more time outdoors. It definitely helps to get your head off of things and can for sure help with getting more stuff done like school work. I usually take breaks during the times when I am working to go sit outside. It helps clear my mind and keep me refreshed. 

  • Zi Hou Kok's avatar
    Zi Hou Kok 4/22/2021 4:03 PM
    I'm aware that I use up a lot of water taking long showers, usually about 20-30 minutes, so I decided to put in effort to save as much water as possible. It has not been easy to save water much I wanted to make sure I'm properly cleaned after each shower. However, I will keep trying to save as much water as possible while keeping my hygiene in check.

    • Olivia Christopherson's avatar
      Olivia Christopherson 4/26/2021 8:34 AM
      It is really good to be aware of what you can do better. Trying to save as much water as possible is always a good thing! Great job!

  • Quin Smith's avatar
    Quin Smith 4/22/2021 3:45 PM
    I think my eco challenge is going pretty well. I have found myself being more aware to shutting off lights and other technology when I'm not using it and have been using my refillable water more often as well.

    • Logan Severt's avatar
      Logan Severt 4/27/2021 7:34 AM
      Hello Quin! I like how you are turning the lights off more and using electricity less often. This class influenced me also to leave the lights off more often at my house and influenced my roommates to follow suit :)

    • Josie Radle's avatar
      Josie Radle 4/23/2021 10:57 AM
      Hi Quin! I've found myself doing this a lot this year, too! I feel like after we completed the electricity consumption activity about a month ago, I was actually able to see how much I was using just from leaving things plugged in, and now, I rarely have anything in my outlets unless I need to be using it at the moment. Our electricity bill has went down some from starting to do this as well which is always great. 

  • Lucy Suek's avatar
    Lucy Suek 4/22/2021 3:36 PM
    Pretty good. I've been composting almost all my food. I also haven't used any plastic bags. I haven't really needed to use bags at all but I also haven't accumulated any plastic bags from the dining hall which is good.

    • Hailey Kollmansberger's avatar
      Hailey Kollmansberger 4/26/2021 6:24 PM
      Thinking back to when I was on campus last year I remember how much easier it was to reduce my plastic waste due not having to purchase as much food nor as many plastic containers. In order to reduce my waste I use reusable bags when I go shopping and try to reuse plastic containers. 

  • Anna McClintock's avatar
    Anna McClintock 4/22/2021 2:46 PM
    My eco challenges have been going well so far overall! I haven't gone to clean up a bus stop yet, but I plan to do so this weekend when I have free time. Eating meals without being on my phone or computer has been a really nice reminder to put my phone away and focus on what's around me. I've occasionally completely forgotten to try and take a shorter shower, but most of the time I shower pretty quickly anyway. I like this system of trying new things!

    • Lucy Suek's avatar
      Lucy Suek 4/26/2021 1:17 PM
      Hi Anna. I think it's really cool that you have been trying to eat meals without your phone. I definitely think that is something I want to try myself. I would really like to be more present in my life and I think this would help. Good job!