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Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Emily Schuyler's avatar
    Emily Schuyler 3/18/2021 10:34 AM
    I was able to complete all of my goals again!  Some days are easier than others, but I'm getting more used to a sustainable lifestyle.

  • Emily Schuyler's avatar
    Emily Schuyler 3/16/2021 8:14 AM
    I completed all of my daily actions today!  It has been getting easier to complete more of the actions lately.

  • Thor Lienhard's avatar
    Thor Lienhard 3/13/2021 10:09 AM
    This day I spent more time tracking my purchases as I had car repairs that needed to be done. I had to make sure everything was in order before I went ahead and got everything fixed!
    Simplicity Less Screen Time
    What did you notice in implementing this challenge? Was it hard to choose other activities over screen time? How did you decide to spend your time?

    Katrina Kapellusch's avatar
    Katrina Kapellusch 3/11/2021 5:26 AM
    For me it was hard making the time to be off of screens. For my job I have to be at a computer the whole time and with school right now I'm sitting at my computer all day. I chose to just take my dog for a walk, and then spent some time working on a painting I got for Christmas.

  • Thor Lienhard's avatar
    Thor Lienhard 3/08/2021 3:26 PM
    I wasn't on social media and didn't have any purchases to track, but I wasn't able to get a whole meal in today (so far) because I have been super busy today and haven't had a chance to eat. 
    Health Exercise Daily
    How can you incorporate other personal values (like quality time with friends or spending time in nature) into your exercise routine?

    Annaleece Anibas's avatar
    Annaleece Anibas 3/06/2021 10:19 AM
    I workout everyday with my best friend and now that it is getting warm we bring our dogs for our warm up run before we go to the gym. 

  • Emily Schuyler's avatar
    Emily Schuyler 3/05/2021 1:29 PM
    My ecochallenge is going well so far, I've been remembering to turn off the lights in my room when I leave more often.

  • Megan Zabel's avatar
    Megan Zabel 3/04/2021 7:53 AM
    My eco challenge is going great! I have really started to learn about how the little changes we make throughout the day can positively impact our environment. 

  • Emily Muetze's avatar
    Emily Muetze 3/03/2021 2:32 PM
    So far the ecochallenge is going really well. I thought that I would struggle with taking five minute showers the most, but it turns out that it really isn't that hard. I have been able to fallow through in completing all my actions everyday so far. 

  • Lilly Niese's avatar
    Lilly Niese 3/03/2021 12:25 PM
    It is going well! I am starting to realize that my actions truly do affect the environment and that I can fix them for the better.